Is there a trial session available?
Yes, we offer one free trial class.

Can I stay with my child in the class?

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic we have to limit the amount of people in the building so sadly at this time you are not able to stay. Depending on Government guidelines we do hope to run a watching week at the end of term.

What should my child wear for their class?

Children can wear their own leotard, any t-shirt, shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms (not covering feet). We request that children do not wear skirts, jeans or clothing with dangling accessories, belts or loops, that may get caught in the apparatus. No shoes or socks are to be worn. Long hair is to be tied back, no jewellery or watches are to be worn and no chewing gum or food or drink is to be consumed in the hall. Gymnasts requiring medical equipment e.g. EpiPen/inhaler etc. should also bring this with them.

Where can my child get changed?

Changing facilities are limited so we recommend coming dressed ready to participate, as much as it is possible. This applies for leaving also. Upon arrival coaches will instruct gymnasts where to leave coats, shoes etc. but we request this is kept to an absolute minimum. Gymnasts will need to take off their outdoor wear without assistance. 

When are fees due?

All fees are requested in advance for the term. If joining mid way through the term please contact info@nk-active.com

How can I find out the term dates?

These are under the ‘classes’ section of our website and are emailed to all parents regularly.

What happens if a class is cancelled?

We will endeavour to run all our classes however, in the event of rare/unforeseen circumstances (including but not limited; local lockdowns, to severe weather conditions, flooding, problems with the building etc.), we may have to cancel a session, and we regret we will not be able to offer a refund for that class. If a lesson has to be cancelled at the last minute, NK Active will email parents and put the information on all social media platforms. If the cancellation is due to NK Active an alternative session date will be offered.

What happens if my child is unwell and misses a class?

Please send us an email to keep us informed if your child is unwell or is not able to attend. DO NOT ATTEND IF A CHILD OR ANYONE IS YOUR HOUSEHOLD IS DISPLAYING CORONAVIRUS SYMPTOMS. If your child has had sickness and diarrhoea in the past 48 hours please don't bring your child to their class, to help us prevent spreading infection. We regret that we will not be able to offer a refund for that class, but can offer a make up session at a future date.

What happens if my child is unable to participate longer term due to illness or injury?

These cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis and refunds for the remainder of the term will be granted if appropriate and if recommended by a medical professional. This may result in your child having to re-join the waiting list.